Library FAQ's - Theological Studies & Philosophy

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What is OneSearch+?


What is OneSearch+?

OneSearch+ is a single search box that allows researchers to look for books, articles, primary and secondary resources and relevant collections at the same time. It does this by accessing an index of a majority (but not all of) the library's collections and holdings. 

Can I still access individual databases separately or just search the library catalog?

Yes!  OneSearch+ is meant to be another way for researchers to discover our vast resources. You can still access individual databases via our Database page and access LINUS our library catalog

Can I use OneSearch+ off campus? Who has access to OneSearch+?

If you are off campus, you can still access OneSearch+ but you will have to login using your MyLMU account.

Currently only LMU students, faculty and staff have full access to OneSearch+ off campus. Alumni, Loyola Law School students and visitors must be on campus to access OneSearch+.

I need help using OneSearch+! 

If you need more help using OneSearch+, there is a variety of ways to contact a librarian, both in person and virtually.  We have a LibGuide that has step by step instructions for OneSearch+ here.  To contact a librarian directly, please check out our Get Help website. 

Is there a way to access OneSearch+ with my mobile device?

Yes!  OneSearch+ will automatically detect and configure to most mobile devices, including tablets.  For more information, please click this link.

Which databases are included in OneSearch+?

 Not everything that the library owns is in OneSearch+.  You can access a list of everything that is and is not provided in the service in the PDFs provided below.

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