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LMU Library subscribes to hundreds of thousands of titles in ebook form.
In the library catalog, an ebook record will have a link that leads you to the full text of the book - either a long link or a short one, as pictured below.
Ebooks can also have limitations on the number of concurrent users (people who can have the book open at once at LMU). Check for this on the library record, next to concurrent users. For example, for the book in the image below, only one user may have it open at a time.
Read Online or Download an Ebook
Once you have clicked through to the ebook, you generally can read the book online by scrolling through it. Some books may also offer the option to download the book.
Usually, you will need to create an account in the database to download an ebook. A download of an ebook is like a rental - usually, you can only download the book for a defined period of days. You may also need to download special software, like Adobe Digital Editions.