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Library FAQ's - Theological Studies & Philosophy
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What is an item status and what does it mean?
How do I find a Bible commentary?
Which databases are best for philosophy?
Where are the Bibles?
Where can I find Bibloi (Bible Windows)?
What is a scholarly article?
Does you have copies of Plato's
How do I request a book from the basement?
How do I connect to Library databases from home?
How do I find databases that have videos?
Do LMU alumni have access to the library's online databases?
How do I get started with research for theological studies?
How do I check out a book?
Where can I find primary sources?
How do I find background information for my research?
How do I find books about theology or religion?
How do I find the
Anchor Bible Dictionary
Which databases are best for theological studies?
Where can I find a map of the library or library directory?
What software do the computers in Information Commons have?
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